Designed to accompany the ACE Spelling Dictionary (BK005) and Activities book (BK009), the ACE Spelling Word Bank is an ideal way for students to record their own personal list of spellings.
It is divided into 16 vowel sound sections, just like the ACE Spelling Dictionary. Your word bank will become a list of the spellings you want to learn. You can add words from your own reading, or that you have looked up in the ACE Spelling Dictionary. You are more likely to learn the spellings of words that you yourself have chosen.
This handy, pocket-sized notebook can be easily slipped into the pupil’s bag or pocket and consulted as needed.
As part of the ACE Spelling range, the Word Bank is an easy-to-use reference tool that pupils can customise for their own needs.
With an increasing focus on correct spelling in the new National Curriculum, the ACE Spelling Word Bank is ideal for those needing extra support in this area.
Contains 32 pages.
Sizw: 210 × 105 mm.
Age suitability: 7 years